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Main page >> March 04, 2025

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- Sudoku solver in the form of Excel spreadsheet (it can solve all puzzles placed on this site except these specified as 'diabolic').
Download file >>
Sudoku is a logic puzzle, believed to originate from Japan, in which the aim is to enter digits from 1 to 9 in each free cell of a 9x9 grid (some of the cells are filled at start), so that each row, each column and each of the 3x3 subgrids (also called squares or regions) contain only one instance of each digit. The puzzle became very popular in Europe after British The Times launched it on November 12, 2004.

7 6 1
8 4 3
5 9 2 4
1 5 9
3 8 7 6
2 9 3 5
6 2 7 8
7 8 4
5 6 9

Completing the puzzle requires only the logical thinking. There should be no need to use the method of trials and errors. The above example of sudoku puzzle shows the most frequently used method of cell elimination. In this case it allows to point the only cell of the center square where '9' can be put. The same way the location of '8' in right-top square can be assigned.

From the drop-down lists placed in the left-top area of the current page you can choose sudoku puzzles with different levels of difficulty. Furthermore, you can click the 'Enter own sudoku' button placed a bit lower and define your own puzzle. Puzzles can be solved directly on screen - each sudoku opens in quite a small window, which can be easily located among other applications on your desktop. If you run out of ideas, in every moment you can get some hints through the built-in sudoku solver. Each sudoku can be also transformed into a clear print version, so you can solve the puzzle traditionally - with pencil and a piece of paper.

HAVE A GOOD FUN! (c)2005-2007 ARTIM Sp. z o.o.